Farm Management

The Ag Pro Consulting farm management system is an all inclusive service for Landowners.

We believe in communicating with our Clients on a regular basis while developing short and long-term goals and sustain great relationships with good farm operators.

As such, we feel that close communication with our Clients about the changes in agriculture and the impact on their farms is important.

With multiple farm visits throughout the year and frequent discussions with the tenants, irrigation companies, and other vendors, we provide annual reports, pro-formas, and budgeting recommendations to make your investment successful.

These services may include:

  1. Find and maintain a Tenant to lease the property annually at market rates;
  2. Draft lease agreements and ensure compliance of the lease and assist in receiving rent payments on time;
  3. Keep an inventory of the buildings and irrigation equipment up to date;
  4. Provide annual reports including updates and status reports of the farm with onsite farm inspections;
  5. Keep Landlord informed of Federal/State and local requirements;
  6. Assist in management of the farms’ water rights;
  7. Provide Landlord with financial reports and projections;
  8. Conduct strategic business planning and consulting for exit strategies and maximization of property use;
  9. Provide management in capital improvements to the farm;
  10. Manage hunting rights.

For more information, please contact us for a free estimate.

Office 208.546.1194
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